Monday, July 23, 2007

What webinars do you want to see?

What topics interest you for webinars? We at AuditSoftware.Net want to provide you with the most timely content and education related to the use of audit technology.....but need your help.

Let us know by posting comments to this blog on what webinars most interest you.

Rich Lanza

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Best Practice Fraud Detection Methodology

I am not sure there is such a thing but I have been working recently on a best practice methodology for detecting fraud in computer systems. I started with my Proactively Detecting Fraud research (see AuditSoftware.Net Bookstore for more information) and came to a quick method that does the following:

1) Focuses on external information sources such as US Government and business directory databases.
2) Runs a variety of query reports.
3) Mines data using tools like Excel Pivot tables to find trends that may not be quickly apparent to the user.

Any thoughts here, feel free to Email me or reply to this post.